22 de dezembro de 2009


Galera, estava hoje fazendo uma prática de DHCP NAP e me deparei com um problema que pode parecer bobagem para alguns mas, para mim, me deu um certo trabalho. O cliente DHCP sempre pegava um IP desconhecido, daí, fazendo uma rápida pesquisa no Oraculo (Google) descobri como resolver este problema, lá vai.

I want to disable the VMware DHCP service on my host computer. What steps do I need to take?

Follow the steps shown below for your host operating system. On a Windows host, you can choose to disable the service completely or to set it to start only when you start it manually.

Windows 2000

Click Start, then choose Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services.
Scroll down and select VMware DHCP Service.
Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
Click the Stop button.
In the Startup type list, select Disable or Manual.
Click OK.
Windows XP Home

Click Start, then choose Settings>Control Panel.
Click Performance and Maintenance.
Click Administrative Tools.
Double-click Services.
Scroll down and select VMware DHCP Service.
Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
Click the Stop button.
In the Startup type list, select Disable or Manual.
Click OK.
Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003

Click Start, then choose Settings>Control Panel.
Click Administrative Tools.
Double-click Services.
Scroll down and select VMware DHCP Service.
Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
Click the Stop button.
In the Startup type list, select Disable or Manual.
Click OK.
Linux for Workstation 5.x and VMware Server 1.x

Open the file /usr/lib/vmware/net-services.sh in a text editor.
Locate the following section (lines 697-699, as seen in Workstation 5.5.1, build 19175):
vmware_bg_exec 'Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
  vmware_start_hostonly "$vHubNr" 'vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
  "$hostaddr" "$netmask" 'yes'
Change yes to no. The resulting section should look like this:
vmware_bg_exec 'Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
  vmware_start_hostonly "$vHubNr" 'vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
  "$hostaddr" "$netmask" 'no'
Save the file.
As root, run /usr/lib/vmware/net-services.sh restart to restart the service.
Linux for Workstation 4.x and GSX Server 3.x

Power off any open virtual machines (and close any associated remote consoles).
Open the file /etc/init.d/vmware in a text editor.
Locate the following section:
# Start a DHCP server on a private IP network
vmware_start_dhcpd() {
  local vHostIf="$1" # IN

  # The daemon already logs its output in the system log, so we can safely
  # trash it
  cd "$vmdb_answer_BINDIR" && "$vmdb_answer_BINDIR"/"$dhcpd" \
    -cf "$vmware_etc_dir"/"$vHostIf"/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf \
    -lf "$vmware_etc_dir"/"$vHostIf"/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases \
    -pf /var/run/"$dhcpd"-"$vHostIf".pid "$vHostIf" >/dev/null 2>&1
Add the line exit 1 in the position shown below.
# Start a DHCP server on a private IP network
vmware_start_dhcpd() {
  local vHostIf="$1" # IN
  exit 1

  # The daemon already logs its output in the system log, so we can safely
  # trash it
  cd "$vmdb_answer_BINDIR" && "$vmdb_answer_BINDIR"/"$dhcpd" \
    -cf "$vmware_etc_dir"/"$vHostIf"/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf \
    -lf "$vmware_etc_dir"/"$vHostIf"/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases \
    -pf /var/run/"$dhcpd"-"$vHostIf".pid "$vHostIf" >/dev/null 2>&1
Save /etc/init.d/vmware.
Restart your host operating system.

Link da solução.

1 comentários:

Viu sacana.. Olha o que deu filar as aulas de Társio... xD

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